
New XSS flaws within eBay sites

Written by DP

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

eBay is again XSSed! Scammers can take advantage of these new critical cross-site scripting issues.


Facebook vulnerable to XSS. Over 70 million users are at risk.

Written by DP

Thursday, 22 May 2008

Mox has submitted a critical cross-site scripting vulnerability affecting - according to Alexa is currently ranked the 7th most used site on the web.


Barclays XSS vulnerability comes handy for scammers and blackhat hackers

Written by DP

Sunday, 11 May 2008

Bank websites which are vulnerable to cross-site scripting are critically susceptible to frauds and that is a well-documented fact! Strict case management  and monitoring of security vulnerabilities should have prevented 100% of site-specific vulnerabilities. Barclays is one of the largest UK banks and a gold target for scammers hunting the pound notes. In this case, exploiting trust is an easy game to play for phishers and blackhat hackers.


Hacker Safe or not? Read on, watch the video and vote now!

Written by DP

Monday, 28 April 2008

Russ McRee brought up again his concerns about the Hacker Safe issue with his latest blog post titled "Still not Hacker Safe, roll the video". Me and Kevin are also annoyed with the fact that McAfee's ScanAlert service is, as Russ pointed out, more like fraudulent marketing fluff than a worthy expense for websites.  What do YOU think?


Google Groups vulnerable to cross-site scripting

Written by DP

Sunday, 27 April 2008

mox has discovered a critical XSS (script insertion) vulnerability in Google Groups.


Barack Obama's official site hacked

Written by DP

Friday, 18 April 2008

mox has just submitted a critical script insertion vulnerability affecting - Barack Obama's official social networking site for his supporters.


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45884 total xss
14724 special xss
3026 fixed
5328 xss onhold
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